What To Expect
We're glad you're here! Visiting any church for the first time can be an unsettling experience. Let us put your mind at ease! The services will be inspiring and refreshing. The preaching will be Biblical and practical. You will find friendly teachers, workers, and staff members that seek to show God’s love to each member of your family. Here are a few answers to your questions about what you can expect when you visit Faith Baptist Church.
Below you will find the answers to some questions you may have:
What time are your services?
Sunday School 10:00 AM
Morning Worship 11:00 AM
Evening Service 6:00 PM
Bible Study/Prayer 7:00 PM
What should I expect on my first visit?
If you choose to attend Sunday School, you will find age appropriate classes for you and your family that will provide solid Bible teaching and friendly fellowship. Sunday School is the best opportunity to meet new people and get plugged in to the ministries of our church.
In the worship service, you will enjoy the beautiful Christ-honoring music of our congregation, choir, orchestra, special groups, and soloists. The music will be followed by a practical Bible message from Pastor Paul.
What about my children?
We love kids at Faith! Starting with our beautiful nurseries, we have something for every age and stage of childhood. During every service, there is a clean, secure, and well staffed nursery for children under the age of three.
For children age 4 through the 6th grade, we offer exciting Sunday School classes. Our classes are staffed with experienced, friendly, and well qualified teachers. Your child will love Sunday School! During the worship service you are welcome to bring your children into the auditorium or to let them attend our fun children’s church programs.
What about my teens?
Your 7th – 12th graders will attend Sunday School in our Youth Ministry. If your teens come early, they can hang out in the teen room playing pool, carpet ball, or socialize with other teens! After Sunday school, teens join their families in the main auditorium for the morning service.
What should I wear?
There is not a dress code at Faith Baptist. You will find that many of our members wear traditional “Sunday” dress. Our greatest desire is for you to feel welcome and encouraged on your first visit.
Am I expected to give in the offerings?
No. We want our service to be a gift to you. We hope that you will find Faith Baptist to be a warm, friendly church that glorifies Christ through the powerful preaching of God’s Word. We hope that you will visit again and that Faith Baptist will come to be your church home. Please don’t feel any pressure or obligation to participate in the offering as a guest.
Other Questions?
Please contact us here, and we will gladly answer any other questions you may have!